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Kids in Preschool

Sending your child to preschool with supplies that foster their independence and fuel their confidence to "do it themselves" is key! Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • LABEL EVERYTHING! Students don't always know which items are theirs, especially if others in the class bring identical items. Lunch box, water bottle, backpack, coat, gloves, socks, mittens (literally everything should be labeled with your child's name).

  • If your student can't tie their own shoes, be sure to send them in shoes with Velcro closures. Closed-toe shoes for active play are best!

  • Lunch boxes should have a side compartment that holds their water bottle. Students are responsible for their own belongings so a lunchbox that also houses their water bottle makes it easier to manage independently. Provide them with containers that are easy for them to open and close themselves.

  • Your student's backpack should be large enough to hold their lunchbox AND have room for artwork that will be sent home.

  • This site contains product affiliate links. The Fox Hill School may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Click on the link below for "Teacher Approved" items that will make Back-to-School a breeze!

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